Anebasen — Ole Thyge Plannthin

Kirstine nn

Kirstine nn

Kvinde ca. 1625 - 1671  (46 år)

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Generation: 1

  1. 1.  Kirstine nn blev født cirka 1625 i Bornholm; døde i 1671 i 80. sgd. Toftegård, Østermarie Sogn.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Skifte: 15 mar. 1671, 80. sgd. Toftegård, Østermarie Sogn


    Note (Norman Lee Madsen)

    A High Court judgement of July 10, 1651 (Dombog 50, pages 503R-503V) regarding Henrich Mortensen of Østermarie versus Bornholm's Chief Justice Hans Pedersen states that "sagsøger tiltale sagsøgte, fordi denne 5 Juni 1650 havde underkendt et skudsmål, sagsøger havde givet Peder Olsen i Hasle" (the accused plaintiff sued because of the overruling of a June 5, 1650 character witness which the plaintiff had provided for Peder Olsen of Hasle).

    From Bornholm's Jordebog of 1651:
    Östre Mariæ Sougn, Cronens tiennere eller Schatte Bönder, Nr. 24: Hendrich Mortenssönn.
    Östre Mariæ Sougn, Kong Mayz. Tiennere Liggendis till Hammershuusz, Nr.6: Lauridz Hendrichsön.

    From Bornholm's Jordebog of 1658, compiled during the Swedish occupation of the island:
    Öster Häradt, Östermarck Sochn, Skattehemman, Nr. 80: Hendrich Mortensen. . . 14 Daler, 4 Öre, 4 Penningar.
    Öster Häradt, Östermarck Sochn, Frälse Uthbygge uthan afgik: Lars Hendrichsen. . . 4 Daler, 28 Öre, 0 Penning.

    From Bornholm's Jordebog of 1662:
    Øster Herridt, Østermarch Sogn, Bunde, Nr. 80: Henrich Mortensen.

    From Bornholm's Jordebog, March 25, 1663:
    Østermarch Sogn, Vaarnøde: Hans Mogensen eller Laurids Hendrichsen.

    Information on the family of Henrich Mortensen, and his wife Kirstine, of (Toftegård) the 80 Slg. in Østermarie parish, can be found in the probates of Lasse Ibsen and Karen Henrichsdatter.

    Karen Henrichsdatter's probate, dated February 6, and May 17, 1686, tells us that she had inherited the rights to 80 Slg. Østermarie, from her deceased father Henrich Mortensen in 1664. Further, it reveals that three of Henrich Mortensen's other children had inheritance due them from the deceased Karen Henrichsdatter's husband Poul Axelsen, namely: Lars Henrichsen, Morten Henrichsen, and the widow of the deceased Lasse Ibsen of Østermarie parish - Giertrud Henrichsdatter. Further, that on March 15, 1671, Thomas Henrichsen had inherited a few personal items from his deceased mother Kirstine, the widow of Henrich Mortensen. Given the differences in ages, a span of 20 years, between the eldest and youngest children it seems likely that the 3 eldest (Laurs, Karen and Giertrud) had a different mother than the 4 younger children (Morten, Thomas, Margrethe and Karen). Possibly Henrich Mortensen's first wife was named Karen, as the 2 older daughters both named daughters Karen. The 4 younger children, and most certainly Thomas, are likely the children of Henrich's (second) wife Kirstine.

    The October 6, 1683 probate for Lasse Ibsen tells us that his widow, Giertrud Henrichsdatter, had "Jordepenge" (land-money) in 80 Slg. And, further, that Lasse Ibsen had acted as representative for Karen Henrichsdatter in a court case regarding the 80 Slg. settled on July 11, 1664.

    From the Østermarie kirkebog:
    June 24, 1689: St. Hans Dag, Laurs Henrichsen begrafued, gammel 74 aar.

    This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 12 Jun 2016.

    Note (Ole Thyge Plannthin)
    Fremgår af skifte af efter datteren Karen Hendrichsdatter:
    ... Og som Poul Axselsen hid indtil hafver væred werge for en pige ved navn Karne Hendriksdaatter som hafver i denne 80 gaard bestaaende en søsterloed nemlig penge 8 Sld. 3 mrk. 2 skl., 1
    alb: hvilked hun hafver arfved efter hendis Sahl: Fader i denne 80 gaard, Nok er hende tilfalden i løsøre goeds efter hendis Sahl: moder, da der af 2de mend er Liqvideret og ofver seet efter hendis S: Moder Kirstine Sahl: Hendrik Mortensens dend 15 marty Anno 1671, som ved døden
    afgangen i Østermarie sogn ...

    Kirstine blev gift med Henrich Mortensen cirka 1650 i Bornholm. Henrich blev født cirka 1585 i Bornholm; døde i 1664 i 80. sgd. Toftegård, Østermarie Sogn. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

Generation: 2